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VEDA2 Results Tables Issues
First issue: Include Null not working?

In VEDA-BE, we had the convenient option of "Include Null" in results tables.  So, for example, to make a balance table of TOTCO2, one could include VAR_Fin and VAR_FOut, and use a ProcessSet for all processes having TOTCO2 in the topology except for some dummy processes.  That worked well for all emissions, and most importantly included the aggregation VAR_FOut resulting from COM_AGGs, by using the Null option.

Under VEDA2, I have still not been able to get these tables working. I have tried with the -NA- label under processset and commodityset, to see whether that could be used for including Null, but it doesn't work.  In fact, it causes the table to become buggy, because I am not seeing the aggregation flows when using it, but instead I am seeing some emission flows for a process included in the selected ProcessSet being duplicated, such that it has values with both that ProcessSet name and -NA- shown in the Table.

So, what would be the fully working and reliable way of using the "Include Null" option under VEDA2?  And what is the purpose of the -NA- (as it apparently does not work for the Null purpose)?
Second Results tables issue: Exclude sets not working

In VEDA-BE, we had the convenient option of using Exclude Sets when defining Process and Commodity Sets to be used in results tables.  For example, if I wanted to have Process sets for hydropower plants and all other electricity generation plants, I could define a set for the hydropower plants, and then use that as an exclusion set when defining all other electricity generating plants.  For my convenience, I in fact used exclusion sets quite intensively in my results tables.

Under VEDA2, I have still not been able to get these tables working. While the set editor seems to define the sets correctly, in the results table I am getting duplicate records for the processes in the excluded set. So, even if the processes have been excluded from the second set, they are still shown in the results table under both process sets.  See example below, where the hydropower plants are shown under two sets, even if excluded from the second one:
This issue, together with the issue described above, have thus far in fact prevented me from moving into VEDA2 for results handling.  I was hoping that by now these issues would have been fixed, because I just recently had to switch to using a new computer. But now it looks like I still may have to install VEDA-BE even on my new Win 11 computer, because the result tables are still not working under VEDA2, or am I just missing the correct specifications for VEDA2?
On the first issue, can you see any case in which you *don't* want to see this condition active in all queries that include an Attribute? It seems to me that this could only get additional records when there are multiple attributes (with different dimensions), and will have no impact on tables that attributes the same dimensions.
@Amit : Well, I am not quite sure about that.
For example VAR_FOut is a single attribute, and if I just want to see all of it (while using ProcessSet), I would apparently need "Include Null", but if I don't wan't to have the aggregation flows included, I would need to "Exclude Null", no?  But perhaps you mean that one would then be able to deselect "-" or -NA- with the table filters in this case?

In addition, at least using the -NA- is buggy now, and so if it is supposed to work for this purpose (and be always active), it would need to work reliably. Btw: Can you confirm what the purpose of -NA- is, and why it is sometimes available and sometimes not available in the ProcessSets list?

More generally, when enabled, I guess one would only want to see this condition active in queries involving any of the Sets (ProcessSets, CommoditySets, or UserConstrainSet): null for either of these sets. So, null would not be allowed for any explicit filter for Attribute, Scenario, Region, Process, Commodity, Year, Vintage, Timeslice, UserConstraint.  I assume it worked that way in VEDA-BE?

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