Veda2.0 Released!

User define commodity group
Hi Everyone,

I am new to VEDA2.0.
Normally VEDA defined commodity group by itself based on input, output and commodity type. But, how do I define a commodity group when already defined commodity group does not fit what I am trying to depict?
Following example from ANSWER, I would like to have it in VEDA 2.0.

Example: ANSWER, in attachment

IISBLAVUROO-LB is commodity group which has only natgas and H2, where both can substitute to each other within given FLO_SHAR. I couldn't find a way to define my own commodity group in VEDA 2.0.

in VEDA 2.0 I am using vertical approach of data structure like this following-
Example: VEDA 2.0, in attachment

Where and how should I define the commodity group IISBLAFUR00-LB_H2 in VEDA 2.0? How can I exactly depict the given data in ANSWER into VEDA 2.0.

Best regards,
You can use a table like the one attached - in the SysSettings file.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
(14-03-2024, 04:03 PM)AKanudia Wrote: You can use a table like the one attached - in the SysSettings file.


Thank you.
It works, but instead of EFF, I need to use ACT_EFF.

I guess CSet_CN defines the commodities within a group. Out of curiosity, what is CSet_Set and CSet_CD?
Cset_set is NRG, ENV etc. _CD = Commodity Description

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