Veda2.0 Released!

VEDA-FE data and scenario management

We're developing guidelines on updating a model for our user group. We'd like to prevent core model files from being edited by most users, and have updates made through scenario files to avoid problematic updates creeping in. Is there a possibility to have an option to disable the "direct edit" button in VEDA-FE? We will make the Excel files read-only. Does anyone have any experience with this?

Also, for easy version management and archiving it would be great to have an option in the Case Manager to "archive" a model and results database in a date-stamped, zipped file. This could make traceability a bit more reliable.

I think you have used a "DBO" version... what you are trying to do is exactly what it achieves, in terms of preventing editing of any file related to the Reference case. However, these versions are created by a process, which is not ready to be released as a feature.

It will not be easy to prevent users from editing files you don't want them to. But if they are willing to play within the rules you define, then you can make it easier by following some naming conventions. For example, put a "Ref" in the name of all files that you want to keep from being edited by users. SubRES_Ref-NewTechs, Scen_Ref-RoadFleetUC etc. Further, users can be instructed to tag their own files in a similar fashion: Scen_HD-RoadFleetAlt etc.

How do you propose to disable direct edit? It will have to be done by model, right? This will need the concept of "users" in VFE, with a hierarchy.

There is already an Archive Model option under the File menu that creates date-stamped ZIP files of the model folder. I could include the <CaseName>.VD* files for the active case in this ZIP. However, I think a data-only GDX file will be far more useful to keep track of changes. See release notes of version 4.4.01.

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