Hi Amit
In Swiss TIMES, previously some commodities were declared both in BASE and NewTech files. However, I amalgamated all commodities to the BASE.
Just now I changed two commodities’ CTSLvl and synchronised, but the import report (from VBE4.3x) finds some inconsistency, as if I have declared twice. But I didn’t see declaration of any commodities in NewTech (neither any hidden rows/columns)? What could it be?
The following Commodities has Inconsistent Definition across Scenarios:
Scenario ; Region ; Commodity ; CommodSet ; CommodUnit ; LimType ; Tslvl ; PeakTs ; CommodType
BASE ; CH ; GEO ; .NRG. ; PJ ; FX ; SEASON ; ; NRG
NewTech_TSv4 ; CH ; GEO ; .NRG. ; PJ ; FX ; ; ; NRG
BASE ; CH ; WST ; .NRG. ; PJ ; FX ; Season ; ; NRG
NewTech_TSv4 ; CH ; WST ; .NRG. ; PJ ; FX ; ; ; NRG a QC report telling, to