Veda2.0 Released!

Questions on Var_NCap, Var_NCapM, INSTCAP, LUMPINV
(04-03-2019, 04:21 PM)Antti-L Wrote: For a description of the Cap_New attribute, see:
Part II Section 3.3  Report parameters
Part V Appendix A: VEDA-BE TIMES Attributes

Yes, Var_Cap(t) – Var_Cap(t–1)  cannot in general be equal to Var_Ncap(t), because of the phase-out of old capacity at the end of their life.

As you can see from the documentation, there is no physical meaning of Var_NCapM.
As to the equation connecting all capacity-related variables, see EQ(l)_CPT.
OK. Thanks, but I am not clear on some issues.
Var_NCapM is called "Technology Investment-Marginals", so it has a meaning, but what is the meaning of marginal here? How does Var_NCapM differ from Var_NCap?

Also, please where can one find EQ(l)_CPT? I find many TIMES Constraints in Part II documentation, Section 6.3, but where can one find these constraints in your software? Can we access the TIMES equations? If so, where? How? In VEDA or GAMS or Excel or other?

Best regards, James.

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RE: Questions on Var_NCap, Var_NCapM, INSTCAP, LUMPINV - by atujaycee - 05-03-2019, 03:06 PM

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