Veda2.0 Released!

VINTAGE function and attribute over time
I would like the FIXOM and VAROM to change after a certain time after the actual investment year for a certain process. Is it possible to use the Vintage-function to make the attribute change after a certain time after the investment is taken, rather than for a certain year? E.g. 20 year after the actual investment year FIXOM is increased with 30 % and not specfically in year 2XXX.

Can anyone give an example how I could implement this in a proper way? It would be very helpful.
Many thanks.
Yes, it is possible to make the NCAP_FOM attribute dependent on the age of the capacity.  And it is even rather easy: Just define a shape index SHAPE(index,age) according to the desired change in the attribute, and then apply that SHAPE to the NCAP_FOM, by using NCAP_FOMX(r,y,p)=index number.  This works for all processes, vintaged or not.

It is also possible to make variable costs dependent on the age of the capacity, but that works only for vintaged processes, and is a bit more complicated. To model age-dependent variable costs, you will thus  need to define the technology vintaged. You will also need to define a new commodity for such variable costs. For example, define a commodity with the name "VAROM" of type ENV, and define FLO_EMIS(r,y,p,COM,VAROM,ANNUAL) = X, where COM is the commodity flow, to which you want the variable costs to be proportional. The coefficient X will be vintage-dependent. Then you can shape this coefficient by defining a shape index SHAPE(index,age) according to the desired change in the attribute, by age. Then apply that SHAPE to the FLO_EMIS by specifying FLO_FUNCX(r,y,p,VAROM,VAROM)=index. Finally, define a cost FLO_COST(r,y,p,VAROM,s,cur)=1, on the VAROM flow.  The resulting cost is a variable cost X*SHAPE(index,age) per unit of flow in commodity COM, i.e. exactly as requested. If COM=ACT, the cost will be per unit of activity.

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