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Carbon emission in primary units

How can I do if I want to show the carbon emission in primary units?

For example, household sector consume the coal, oil, etc. and also consume the electricity which is from local power station and import electricity.(We assumed that the electricity consumed by household, some were imported, the others were generated by local power). I want to caculate the carbon emission of household. (a)from final units it only caculate the carbon emission from the coal/oil... This can be achieved. The final results can be shown in IMPCO2(imported electricity emission carbon, other palce generate some of those electricity which consumed by household will emission the quantity of IMPCO2), ELECO2(carbon emission of local power station), HOUCO2(emission carbon from other energy like coal/oil etc. which household consumed).(b)but from the primary units household carbon emission need add the electricity part (that is say there is only HOUCO2 which contain the IMPCO2 and ELECO2)

I can show the carbon emission in the final units, but I have no idea how to show the carbon emission in the primary units.

Have I expressed my question clear?

Thank you!
I would do this kind of attribution only as a post-processing step. Compute the CO2 intensity of electricity and attribute emissions to household based on that.

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