Modelling issue with solar PV
We have an hourly Swiss TIMES model (>200 annual timeslices). Solar PV has been characterised (Tslvl) as Daynite technology. Then we have introduces ‘zero’ AF for night timeslices. But the model chooses solar PV as a flexible technology (as if one could switch on/off solar radiation!) and uses its full annual AF (of 10%) during peak hours (see Fig 1)! uploads/24/STEM-solar_PV.doc
Fig.1: Solar PV as Daynite technology
If PV is characterised as a seasonal technology, then the model ignores the zero AF for night timeslices. Thus, electricity is uniformly produced during day and night time (see Fig. 2). But we don’t want any night time ELC generation from solar PV!
Fig.2: Solar PV seasonal technology
Is there any way to address this problem? Suggestions/recommendations are most welcome
For the time being, we do not have data for solar PV other than seasonal AF. So, we want to have something like zero generation during night, but daytime generation must be spread across day time.
As a least resort, we would introduce an hourly AF for all daytime timeslcies (by averaging the seasonal AF), but we end-up with over 200 additional columns/rows for input data.