Veda2.0 Released!

Help with parameters...
¿¿Is there any documentation apart from Getting Started with TIMES-VEDA?? I'm having problems because TIMES is not recognising some data introduced in the excel workbooks. I think this is because I don't have a good documentation that explains how to introduce data in the model. Is there anyone? Could someone recomend me something??
You can find online documentation at

In VFE you can also use Advanced function/Attribute Master. You will find there the list of all supported parameters.

What's the matter with your parameters?

I have many problems... One of them is with non-supplied energy... My model is not installing new capacity (even if it is a greenfiel model) and the non-supplied energy is too high. If I check the value with the browser I can see that the value it use it only for 2008 (my base year). I don't know how can I give this value for all the horizon???

Thanks again!
Your problem and question is not clear to me at all. What do you mean by non-supplied energy? What is a greenfiel model? Even assuming a "d" at the end does not help me.
Provide more objective information, like which are the parameters that are not being read by VEDA and paste some images so that we can better understand what is going against your expectation.
Mauri has agreed to do a GoToMeeting with you in 15 minutes.
It's not possible for me to do a Gotomeeting today... Thank you so much... I'll try to explain you my problem in more detail in case you can help me...
Thank you so much, you are reall helping me.
Maria next week I will be available the almost of the time. I think you have my email so we can plan a GTM session in the next days

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