23-06-2017, 02:20 PM
I think it is a good idea and I try to start with some comments/suggestions. I hope other users will follow up with, this is an important step for all of us.
VEDA-FE and templates general updates
1. SysSetting
a. Other indexes column in TFM tables
i. If we type OtherIndex we don’t get the error message after SYNC.
2. If we create manually a SubRes or we delete the Subres__Trans the new trans file created by VEDA is empty, will be better to create a trans file with the same tables we have when creating the files from VFE clicking on new subres.
3. Trade links matrix. If this file already exist and we try to add a new commodity trade from VFE, this is creating some problems with files. It is creating a new file and removing the second one but VEDA crash.
4. Could be possible to add in the VFE templates the possibility of double clicking on the cells under filters (e.g. PSet_PN) and jump to VFE browse to check which processes are included in this rule/filter? Of course this option will become available only after we had synchronised templates.
VEDA-FE comments and suggestions
1. In the VEDA Tables list for some of the tables we don’t have predefined structure, this could be completed. Not all the listed tables are described in the “documentation”.
2. Create an excel file with the list of all parameters and detailed descriptions as in the documentation - Documentation_for_the_TIMES_Model-Part-II_July-2016 – Tables 13: user input parameters in TIMES. In the Attribute Master table of VEDA-FE could be included the possibility of jumping from that list to the detailed description in this excel file.
3. Add the list and name of supported TIMES SETS (Commodity and Processes) in VFE. For example could be added after VEDA Tables or before.
4. Could be possible to open and close together the Navigator and FE Case Manager? We don’t really need them as a separate window.
5. Add more options to the right click on the templates name in VEDA-FE. Not only copy but also unsync and then delete after you had unsync a file.
6. Could be possible to add a new feature to generate automatically timeslice combinations based on the user inputs?
7. Documentation about VEDA-FE and all buttons, information available in the tool. We already have documentation for templates and some aspects of VEDA-FE software.
8. Could be useful a discussion on how commands are grouped in VEDA-FE. This is a first thought for discussion about an alternative approach.
a. Too many information here
i. User Options could be moved on the command line
ii. Templates set up
VEDA tables
Model Tables
Add new process
Add new commodities
iii. Model checks
Model Stats
View Import Errors
Scenario Dependence
ReDef Attributes
iv. Tools
Export to VEDA BE
Close Xls Images
Start from scratch
Update TIMES code
b. Navigator/Case Manager
c. Browse TIMES View / VEDA View
d. RES
e. MilestoneYears
Colours legend at the bottom of FE NAvigator could be improved to create less confusion
Consistent could be Synchronised
InConsistent maybe Re-Synch
To Delete - This is creating confusion. Not sure it is needed here, see previous comment on including a right click to unsync and delete
File Open - I never seen this color
File Missing - In this case I think we should get a pop up window with the instructions to solve the problem like refresh or re-synch or if the file is needed for BY error…..
Other suggestions
1. New pop up window saying you didn’t SYNC the model when the button is red and you try to solve.
2. Pop up window with the list of all the files including a FILL table after you have done changes in templates or some warning.
3. Fill Tables. Include more details about the records, sometimes it is difficult to understand why there is more than one record. Could the comment include the file name, sheet and cell?
In VBE if we have open tables and we import new results it is necessary to close all the tables and open again. Could be possible to refresh the tables without closing them? Or in alternative recall in one click all the tables already open before the last import?
I think it is a good idea and I try to start with some comments/suggestions. I hope other users will follow up with, this is an important step for all of us.
VEDA-FE and templates general updates
1. SysSetting
a. Other indexes column in TFM tables
i. If we type OtherIndex we don’t get the error message after SYNC.
2. If we create manually a SubRes or we delete the Subres_
3. Trade links matrix. If this file already exist and we try to add a new commodity trade from VFE, this is creating some problems with files. It is creating a new file and removing the second one but VEDA crash.
4. Could be possible to add in the VFE templates the possibility of double clicking on the cells under filters (e.g. PSet_PN) and jump to VFE browse to check which processes are included in this rule/filter? Of course this option will become available only after we had synchronised templates.
VEDA-FE comments and suggestions
1. In the VEDA Tables list for some of the tables we don’t have predefined structure, this could be completed. Not all the listed tables are described in the “documentation”.
2. Create an excel file with the list of all parameters and detailed descriptions as in the documentation - Documentation_for_the_TIMES_Model-Part-II_July-2016 – Tables 13: user input parameters in TIMES. In the Attribute Master table of VEDA-FE could be included the possibility of jumping from that list to the detailed description in this excel file.
3. Add the list and name of supported TIMES SETS (Commodity and Processes) in VFE. For example could be added after VEDA Tables or before.
4. Could be possible to open and close together the Navigator and FE Case Manager? We don’t really need them as a separate window.
5. Add more options to the right click on the templates name in VEDA-FE. Not only copy but also unsync and then delete after you had unsync a file.
6. Could be possible to add a new feature to generate automatically timeslice combinations based on the user inputs?
7. Documentation about VEDA-FE and all buttons, information available in the tool. We already have documentation for templates and some aspects of VEDA-FE software.
8. Could be useful a discussion on how commands are grouped in VEDA-FE. This is a first thought for discussion about an alternative approach.
a. Too many information here
i. User Options could be moved on the command line
ii. Templates set up
VEDA tables
Model Tables
Add new process
Add new commodities
iii. Model checks
Model Stats
View Import Errors
Scenario Dependence
ReDef Attributes
iv. Tools
Export to VEDA BE
Close Xls Images
Start from scratch
Update TIMES code
b. Navigator/Case Manager
c. Browse TIMES View / VEDA View
d. RES
e. MilestoneYears
Colours legend at the bottom of FE NAvigator could be improved to create less confusion
Consistent could be Synchronised
InConsistent maybe Re-Synch
To Delete - This is creating confusion. Not sure it is needed here, see previous comment on including a right click to unsync and delete
File Open - I never seen this color
File Missing - In this case I think we should get a pop up window with the instructions to solve the problem like refresh or re-synch or if the file is needed for BY error…..
Other suggestions
1. New pop up window saying you didn’t SYNC the model when the button is red and you try to solve.
2. Pop up window with the list of all the files including a FILL table after you have done changes in templates or some warning.
3. Fill Tables. Include more details about the records, sometimes it is difficult to understand why there is more than one record. Could the comment include the file name, sheet and cell?
In VBE if we have open tables and we import new results it is necessary to close all the tables and open again. Could be possible to refresh the tables without closing them? Or in alternative recall in one click all the tables already open before the last import?
Maurizio Gargiulo
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