Veda2.0 Released!

About TS_Cycle value
Dear all,

we are trying to understand the purpose of the TS_Cycle parameter, and whether we are using the correct value or not.
Our model consists of 1 day of 24 hours for each season, that is, 96 timeslices (24 hours x 4 seasons). As we understand, since each season represents roughly 90 days, our TS_Cycle parameter defined for each season (R, F, W, S) should be 90, considering that TS_Cycle represents the length of each cycle.
We are not sure if this is correct and would appreciate some help.

The default values are good for models that complies with the standard assumptions, e.g. one DAYNITE cycle is 24 hours.  Your model clearly complies with that, and so please do not define TS_CYCLE at all. It is meant only for unusual cases not complying with the standard assumptions.

The default values (1 for season and 365 for ANNUAL) are correct for your model. The values represent the length of the cycles under the timeslice, and because the cycles under your 4 seasons are daily cycles, the length is 1 (it is measured in days).  And the cycle under annual is the seasonal cycle, which is 365 days.

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